Using Wing Needle for your Madeira Appliqué hem On Daisy

Using Wing Needle for your Madeira Appliqué hem On Daisy

Hi friends! My name is Cassandra and I'm so excited to share a super simple heirloom technique with you. Using a Wing needle is such a fun way to complete your Madeira appliqué hem on Daisy.

You will first have to get a wing needle.  They're usually pretty easy to find. I've found them at Farmhouse Fabrics and Amazon.  The wing needle is wider than a typical sewing machine needle and has "wings" on the sides.  It will force a hole in the fabric that is bigger than what a typical needle would. 
To get started you'll have to pick a fabric. A loosely woven fabric made from natural fibers will work best. I used a homespun cotton for this Daisy, but linen is another fabric that also works beautifully.

In the image above, I tested different stitches on my machine on a scrap of linen. I held it up to the light so that it's easier to see the details of the stitches. The two stitches on the far right are a regular zig zag.  That stitch works and is beautiful, but the best stitches to use for the heirloom look are stitches where the needle goes back into the same hole multiple times. My machine is a Bernette and the decorative stitches that are bold are the ones that will go back into the same hole. I think it would be similar on a Bernina, but definitely play around with your machine.  I used the third from the left for my Daisy, but I also especially love the second from the left. 

Once you've picked out your fabric and have figured out your stitch, then you're ready to go! You can sew up your Daisy as the instructions say.  After you straight stitch your scallops, wash away your markings, and cut away your excess fabric above the scallops then you can put your wing needle in your machine and stitch on the edge of the scallops following the straight stitch. After you complete your scallops you can finish your dress and enjoy!

Below is another example of the wing needle on a Madeira appliqué hem that I added to a linen Violet dress. 

I think it's such a quick and easy technique, but yet adds such a special heirloom touch to your dress! I hope you enjoy it and can't wait to see what you create!

**I have an Amazon Affiliate link attached above to the wing needle I purchased. The small amount I earn from affiliate links helps to keep this blog an ad-free space.

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