Hey there, sweet friends! Can you believe summer is over and that it’s almost time for Halloween? I love this time of year, and seeing all of the amazing costumes you all come up with! I’m always so blown away by the talent in our sewing community!

My little girl has been asking to be Tinkerbell for what feels like months now, and so Woodsia was dreamed up and drafted just for her!

In order to get the Tinkerbell skirt, I cut two rows of leaf shaped triangles at the same width, but different lengths. These were layered for the skirt, along with a final layer of tulle for some body.

I modified the Woodsia wings by adding two little pockets on the back to hold the battery packs for the LED lights. The foam and quilting were omitted so that the lights could be inserted underneath the top layer of fabric before sewing the two wing pieces together. Then, instead of straps, I used fold over elastic to create two loops. A band on the back of dress right through to keep the wings in place!

I can’t wait to see all of your amazing creations! Just remember, all you need is faith, and trust and a little Pixie Dust!

Hope you all have an amazing day! Happy sewing!